Auction status:    Completed

The available lots have all been sold. This auction is now completed.

Private Sale

On behalf of the beneficiaries we successfully sold the current assets of Martin Reisch GmbH Fahrzeugbau from Ehekirchen-Hollenbach in a Private Sale on our auction platform.

  Monday, May 13 – Friday, May 31, 2024
  (Mon-Thu 08:00-17:00 h, Fri 08:00-14:00 h)

  Martin Reisch GmbH Fahrzeugbau
  Reischstraße 14
  D–86676 Ehekirchen-Hollenbach
  Google Maps »

  Important Information for Collection

  • If the machines are still live, they can be disconnected after consultation with the electrical company Vogl, Tel. +49 (8435) 941458, Mail: and at your own expense.
  • Please note that your own dismantling, loading and transport equipment is required. Tools, pallets and packaging materials are not available.
  • There are several forklift trucks (capacity 2,000 to 4,000 kg) available for loading for a rental fee of Hv. 30€/hub available. A valid forklift driver’s license must be presented.
  • Safety shoes must be worn.
  • When dismantling shelves or other items screwed to the floor, the floor anchors must be cut off flush by the buyer.


  • approx. 300 Complete Wheels
    for agricultural vehicles, various versions
      View full details (PDF)
  • approx. 700 Agricultural Axles
    different makes/versions
      View full details (PDF)
  • approx. 40 Axles
    Make: SAF, for agricultural vehicles, various versions
      View full details (PDF)
  • approx. 700 Lifting Cylinders
    for agricultural vehicles, various versions
      View full details (PDF)
  • approx. 1,500 Parabolic/Leaf springs
    different versions, LW tandem units KIT 32T
      View full details (PDF)
  • approx. 85 Overrun Devices
    different versions
      View full details (PDF)
  • approx. 36 Support Stands
    Make: JOST, support load 12 t, stat. Test load 20t
  • approx. 180 Support Wheels
    different versions
  • approx. 320 Pressure Vessels
    • 110x Make: HUBI, Type: 40L
    • 210x Make: HUBI type 1A2760400
  • Materials
    Steel, aluminum etc., different versions

  Martin Reisch GmbH Fahrzeugbau
  D–86676 Ehekirchen-Hollenbach
  from May 17, 2024
  Private Sale
  approx. 4,000 lots

Links & Information

Sylvia Meister
Regional Manager Bavaria
T +49 (0)8131 – 39 09 861
F +49 (0)8131 – 39 09 862
M +49 (0)160 – 873 72 34

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Sascha Hofbeck
Project Manager
T +49 (0)40 – 469 666-70
F +49 (0)40 - 469 666-80
M +49 (0)151 - 585 931 64
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