Auction status: Completed
The available lots have all been sold. This auction is now completed.
Private Sale/Online Auction
On behalf of the beneficiaries we successfully sold the machines and facilities that became available in the course of restructuring from BJB GmbH & Co. KG from Arnsberg in an Online Auction and a subsequent Private Sale on our secure auction platform.
By appointment
BJB GmbH & Co. KG
Werler Str. 1
D– 59755 Arnsberg
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Sold 1 Stamping and Bending Machine BIHLER Multicenter MC42, YOM 2003, serial no. 27395 (6173), control BIHLER P-CNC 400, 2 processing sides, number of strokes 5-350 strokes / min, two-point eccentric press, nominal force max. 90 KN, stroke 12 mm, 4 narrow slide units, 4 wide slide units, forming force max. 60 KN, slide stroke max. 40 mm, gripper pull-in, pull-in length 120 mm, bandwidth 60 mm, 3 feed systems housing / rotating pieces, each with bunker, suction conveyor SIM, shear conveyor pots, separation, platform system, stair landing, accessories cabinet
Starting Price: 97.500,00 EUR Minimum Price: 130.000,00 EUR
Assembly Bihler
Sold 1 Stamping and Bending Machine BIHLER Multicenter MC42, YOM 1999, serial no. 26588 (6054), control BIHLER P-CNC 300, 2 processing sides, number of strokes 5-350 strokes / min, two-point eccentric press, nominal force max. 90 KN, stroke 12 mm, 4 narrow slide units, 4 wide slide units, forming force max. 60 KN, gripper feed, feed length 120 mm, bandwidth 60 mm, 3 feed systems 2 x housing / 1 x rotating piece, 2 x vibrating conveyor trough, web conveyor belt, separation, steep conveyor, suction conveyor, platform system, accessory cabinet
Starting Price: 78.750,00 EUR Minimum Price: 105.000,00 EUR
Assembly Bihler
Sold 1 CNC-Universal Machining Center DECKEL MAHO DMU 160P hi-dyn, YOM 2002, serial no. 11220000033, control HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530, 5 axes, (X / Y / Z / C / B), travel X / Y / Z 1,600 x 1,250 x 1,000 mm, NC rotary table, clamping surface 1,500 x 2,500 mm, speed range 20-10,000 U / min, 60-fold tool changer, SK 50 tool holder, coolant system, belt filter, chip conveyor, cabin, switch and control cabinets, infrared measuring probe HEIDENHAIN TS 642, 65 SK 50 tool holders - spindle replacement in 2016, operating hours 23,204, 61,022
Starting Price: 56.250,00 EUR Minimum Price: 75.000,00 EUR
Sold 1 Laser Marking and Engraving Machine ACSYS Piranha II ST F20, YOM 2009, serial no. 84300109, YAG laser fiber pulsed, power 20 W, processing field 110 x 110 mm, laser galvo head, LAS LifeAdjustSystem, OPR optical part recognition, OCD online depth control, suction, control cabinet, TFT monitor, keyboard, mouse
Starting Price: 7.500,00 EUR Minimum Price: 10.000,00 EUR
Sold 1 Multi-sensor Coordinate Measuring Machine WERTH Video-Check-IP 400 x 200 3D CNC, YOM 2008, serial no. 07-00772, measuring range X / Y / Z 400 x 125 (200) x 200 mm, measuring process optical / tactile, control, controller, PC, TFT monitor, control panel with joystick, measuring software WINWERTH
Starting Price: 6.750,00 EUR Minimum Price: 9.000,00 EUR
Sold 1 Injection Molding Machine KRAUSS MAFFEI KM 150-520 C2, YOM 2000, serial no. 154625, clamping force 150 t, clamping plate 780 x 790 mm, tie-bar spacing 500 x 500 mm, ejector stroke 150 mm, opening width 1,000 mm, screw Ø 40 mm, 1 core pull, control MC4, operating hours: machine EIN 90.817, control EIN 83.297
Starting Price: 4.350,00 EUR Minimum Price: 5.800,00 EUR
Injection Molding Machines / Hall 2
Sold 1 Universal Cylindrical Grinding Machine ZIERSCH UND BALTRUSCH URS 751 Ergonomy, YOM 1992, Digital display HEIDENHAIN, center height 130 mm, center distance 750 mm, internal grinding device, belt filter, accessories cabinet, contents: dressing devices, grinding arbors, grinding wheels with flange
Starting Price: 4.125,00 EUR Minimum Price: 5.500,00 EUR
Sold 1 Stamping and Bending Machine MRP UB3, YOM 1965, serial no. C8755, output 90 strokes / min, control with operator panel SIEMENS Simatik OP17, motorized reel KEMMERICH V500AEF-S, YOM 1999, (BJB 4804), feed system housing with steep conveyor MTF, (BJB 5190), soundproof cabin, parts slide with sorting switch, accessories cabinet
Starting Price: 3.150,00 EUR Minimum Price: 4.200,00 EUR
Assembly Bihler
Sold 1 Injection Molding Machine ARBURG Allrounder 270S 250-60, YOM 2005, serial no. 196975, clamping force 25t, clamping plate 400 x 400 mm, tie-bar distance 270 mm, opening width 475 mm, ejector stroke 95 mm, screw Ø 22 mm, 1 core pull, control ARBURG Selogica, operating hours: pump 64.733, automatic mode 57.678
Starting Price: 2.475,00 EUR Minimum Price: 3.300,00 EUR
Plastic Injection Machines
BJB GmbH & Co. KG
D– 59755 Arnsberg
January 31, 2022
Private Sale/Online Auction
approx. 25 lots
Links & Information
- Lots close upon bid acceptance
- Subject to prior sale
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Matthias Mewes
T +49 (0)40 - 469 666-70
F +49 (0)40 - 469 666-80
M +49 (0)151 - 240 638 59
CNC-Universal Machining CenterDrying Cabinet
Injection Molding Machine
Laser Marking and Engraving Machine
Laser Welding System
Multi-sensor Coordinate Measuring Machine
Private Sale/Online Auction
Stamping and Bending Machine
Temperature Control Units
Tool Holders
Universal Cylindrical Grinding Machine