twp Bad Laasphe Verpackungen GmbH & Co. KG
Lot 3: Inline System
BATTENFELD 1-120-32-D-V, YOM 2000, 9738-2201, consisting of: extruder, control BATTENFELD Unilog TC40, flat film nozzle, dosing scales MOTAN MBB-1000-2-2, YOM 1996, serial no. 142, smoothing and rolling mill BATTENFELD 3WGL40 / 40/25, YOM 2000, serial no. 9738-20, control BATTENFELD BMC Compact, inline thermoforming machine ILLIG RDM 70 K-B, year 1993, serial no. 709, control ELAU B-1, film roll-up, control cabinets, 2 winding stands, vacuum pump RIETSCHLE SMV 300, punched grid mill, Illig, RS 75. Lot under reserve. Lots close from January 10, 2022.
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