Ing. Horst Kegler GmbH – CNC Lathes, CNC Vertical Lathes, CNC Lathes / Milling Machines, CNC Milling Machines, Cylindrical Grinding Machines, Deep Hole Drilling Machines, Cross Grinding Machines / Honing Machines, Band Saws, Thread Rolling Machines, Tool Distribution, IT Equipment, Business & Operating Equipment, approx. 390 lots

Auction status:    Completed The available lots have all been sold. This auction is now completed. Online Auction On behalf of the beneficiaries we successfully sold the machinery and business & operating equipment of Ing. Horst Kegler GmbH from Hilpoltstein in an Online Auction on our auction platform. CollectionCollection    By appointment   Ing. Horst Kegler GmbH   Freystädter Str. 44   D-91161 Hilpoltstein   Google Maps » Highlights Approximately 390 lots were available, including: 2 CNC Turning/Milling Centers TAKISAWA TMM-250 M1, YOM 2004, control FANUC series 180is-tb, 8 axes (X1 / Y1 / Z1 / C1 / C2 / A / X2 / Z2), travel (upper turret) 265 x +/- 50 x 760 mm , Traverse path (lower turret) 800 x 228 x 760 mm, main spindle, counter spindle, speed max. 4,000 rpm, 2x 15-fold tool turret, hydraulic unit, coolant system, chip conveyor AME SB350, chip container, volume approx. 300 l, workbench, steel cabinet, 2-door, 6 pull-outs, contents: clamping devices, 16 powered tools, 63 steel holders for. Inside / outside machining (machine & cabinet), 2 round test tables MORI SEIKI DL-151Y, YOM 2000, control MORI SEIKI MSC-501, turning Ø max. 200 mm, turning length max. 200 mm, main spindle, counter spindle, speed range 50Read more

Preuss Metallverarbeitung GmbH – Machinery for Large Mechanical Parts Processing, CNC Turning, Sheet Metal Processing, Traveling Column Milling Machines, CNC Laser Cutting, CNC Lathes, approx. 20 lots

Auction status:    Completed The available lots have all been sold. This auction is now completed. Online Auction On behalf of the beneficiaries we successfully sold selected machinery from the large mechanical parts processing, CNC turning and sheet metal processing sections of Preuss Metallverarbeitung GmbH from Jessen (Elster) in an Online Auction on our auction platform. CollectionCollection    By appointment   Preuss Metallverarbeitung GmbH   Stolzenhainer Str. 1   D-06917 Jessen (Elster)   Google Maps » Highlights Approximately 20 lots were available, including: 1 Block position: Flexible manufacturing cell with 2 traveling columns SHW, milling machines, plate field, rotary table, head changer, coolant system and tools. Bids for the block position can only be won under the proviso that the winning bid is higher than the sum of the highest bids received for the Traveling Column Milling Machine (Master) and Traveling Column Milling Machine (Slave), which are included in this block position. 1 Traveling Column Milling Machine (Master) SHW UniForce 6 C, YOM 2012, serial no. 6375, control HEIDENHAIN iTNC530, 5 axes, autom. Universal milling head 0-360 °, travel X/Y/Z 14,000 x 2,600 x 1,300 mm, panel field 6,000 x 2,500 mm, NC rotary table 2,500 x 2,500 mm (table load 20 t), 66-station toolRead more

CNC-Technik Joachim Pratz – CNC Milling Machines, Lathes, assorted Hand Tools, Business and Operating Equipment

Auction status:    Completed The available lots have all been sold. This auction is now completed. Online Auction On behalf of the beneficiaries we successfully sold the well-maintained CNC milling machines, lathes, assorted hand tools, business and operating equipment of CNC-Technik Joachim Pratz from Ulm-Einsingen in an Online Auction on our auction platform. CollectionCollection    By appointment   CNC-Technik Joachim Pratz   Rappenstraße 14   D-89079 Ulm-Einsingen   Google Maps » Highlights Approximately 60 lots were up for auction, including: 1 CNC Milling Machine DECKEL MAHO, model DMU50T, manufactured in 2001 2 Edge Deburrers MAKRA 1 CNC Milling Machine BROTHER, model TC-225 with assorted machine accessories 1 CNC Turning Lathe GILDEMEISTER, model NEFCT40 1 CNC Turning Lathe GILDEMEISTER, model CTX 400 with assorted machine accessories 1 Center Lathe WEILER 1 Hydraulic Press IKM, model KM 10E 1 Metal Band Saw FORTE 1 Metal Circular Saw TRENNJÄGER, model ST 258° 1 Electric Forklift FIAT 1 Single-Axle Trailer HUMBAUR Assorted Telescope Drawer Cabinets with measuring and clamping devices, hand tools, steel profiles etc. Additional Items Overview   CNC-Technik Joachim Pratz   D-89079 Ulm-Einsingen   December 8, 2017   Online Auction   60 lots Links & Information   Written Bids Form   Credit Confirmation Form   COVID Declaration Form   Terms & Conditions Contact SylviaRead more