Online Auction
On behalf of the beneficiaries we are selling the machines and facilities of Schlote GmbH & Co.KG from Harsum in an Online Auction on our auction platform.
Approx. 190 lots will be up for auction, including double spindle machining centers, horizontal machining centers, coordinate measuring machines, horizontal external broaching machine, parts washing system, production line etc. Please see below for further details.
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on our secure Auction Platform
Lots close in 1st Quarter, 2025
Lots close upon bid acceptance. Subject to prior sale.
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Schlote GmbH & Co.KG
Carl-Zeiss-Straße 1
D–31177 Harsum
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By appointment
Schlote GmbH & Co.KG
Carl-Zeiss-Straße 1
D–31177 Harsum
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Auction Catalogue available soon
- 3 5-Axis Double-spindle Machining Centers
- SW BA 722-2, YOM 2013, Ma.-No.: 2430003, control, make Siemens, type Sinumerik 840 D sl, travel paths X/Y/Z 650 x 650 x 550 mm, 2x spindle, spindle distance 700 mm, speed max. 10,000 rpm, 2x 35-way tool changer, scraper belt chip conveyor, make Knoll, type 1000 K-1/700, YOM 2022, Ma.-No. 1575708, cooling system, make Knoll, type FKA 1200, YOM 2022, Ma-No. 1575711
- SW BA 722-2, YOM 2011, Ma.-No.: 2430001, control, make Siemens, type Sinumerik 840 D sl, travel X/Y/Z 650 x 650 x 550 mm, 2x spindle, spindle distance 700 mm, speed max. 10,000 rpm, 2x 35-way tool changer, scraper belt chip conveyor, make Knoll, type 1000 K-1/700, YOM 2022, Ma.-No.: 1575710, cooling system, make Knoll, type FKA 1200, YOM 2022, Ma.-No.: 1575709
- SW BA 600-2, YOM 2009, Ma.-No.: 166.0834, control, make Siemens, type Sinumerik 840 C, travel X/Y/Z 600 x 550 x 360 mm, 2x spindle, spindle distance 600 mm, speed max. 5,000 rpm, 2x 40-way tool changer, NC swivel table, operating hours approx. 92,818 h, chip conveyor, make Knoll, type 600 K-1, YOM 2009, Ma.-No.: 407839, central cooling system with upstream and downstream machine (471 + 473)
- 2 4-Axis Horizontal Machining Centers
- SW BA 422, YOM 2015, Ma.-No.: 2380112, control, make Siemens 840 D, 4 spindles, travel X/Y/Z 400 x 500 x 425 mm, speed max. 17,500 rpm, shuttle table, 2x 36-way tool changer, tool holder HSK 63, chip conveyor, make Knoll, type 800 K-1, YOM 2014, Ma.-No.: 616070, cooling system, make Knoll, type FKA/1200, YOM 2015, Ma.-No.: 641972
- SW BA 422, YOM 2015, Ma.-No.: 2380106, control, make Siemens 840 D, 4 spindles, travel X/Y/Z 400 x 500 x 425 mm, speed max. 17,500 rpm, shuttle table, 2x 36-way tool changer, tool holder HSK 63, chip conveyor, make Knoll, type 800 K-1, YOM 2015, ma. no.: 631262, cooling system, make Knoll, type FKA/1200, YOM 2015, ma. no.: 646378
- 1 Horizontal Machining Center
SW BA 422, YOM 2015, ma. no.: 2380094, control, make Siemens, 4 spindles, travel X/Y/Z 400 x 500 x 425 mm, max. speed 17,500 rpm, shuttle table, 2x 36-way tool changer, tool holder HSK 63, chip conveyor, make Knoll, type 800 K-1, YOM 2011, ma. no. 478818, cooling system, make Knoll, type FKA/1200, YOM 2015, Ma.-No.: 631615 - 5 Coordinate Measuring Machines
- CARL ZEISS Contura 10/12/6 active, YOM 2016, Ma.-No.: 731606530898, measuring head, make Zeiss, type VAST XXT, measuring range X/Y/Z 1,000 x 1,200 x 600 mm, control, measuring software Calypso
- CARL ZEISS DuraMax 5/5/5 HTG, YOM 2021, Ma.-No.: 188680, measuring software, type Calypso, measuring range X/Y/Z 500 x 500 x 500 mm, 6-way probe changer, test head, make ZEISS, type VAST XT PC, TFT monitor, keyboard, control panel
- CARL ZEISS Contura 10/12/6 active, YOM 2015, Ma.-No.: 201509530512, measuring head, make Zeiss, type VAST XXT, measuring range X/Y/Z 1,000 x 1,200 x 600 mm, control, measuring software Calypso
- CARL ZEISS CONTURA G2 HTG, YOM 2007, Ma.-No.: 200702500600, measuring range X/Y/Z 1,000 x 1,600 x 600 mm, probe and scan head, type VAST XT, probe changer, Calibration mandrel, control cabinet, control panel, Calypso measuring software, HP Z440 computer unit, 27″ TFT monitor, keyboard, mouse
- JENOPTIK Waveline W812RC, YOM 2019, Ma.-No.: 343796, control unit, PC, Ecovis measuring software
- 1 Horizontal External Broaching Machine
HOFFMANN RAWT 25x4000x500 1996, Ma.-No.: 7.224.00876, control, make Siemens, type Sinumerik, pulling force max. 25 t, ram stroke max. 4,000 mm, speed 2-40 m/min, return speed 45 m/min, chip conveyor, make BÄR, type KF50_L48 L P63, YOM 202, Ma.-No.: 12230035, cooling system, make BÄR, type MF 50 – RBF 450 – EK, YOM 2016, Ma.-No.: 61160003, broaching needles / accessories - 1 Parts Washing System
SEMMELROTH S60244/2 So, YOM 2012, Ma.-No.: 20110243, control, make Siemens, HD washing, drying, cooling, vacuum drying, 2 tanks, tank 1 cleaning, tank 2 rinsing, temperature range 50-55°C - 2 4-Axis Double Spindle Machining Centers
- SW BA 422, YOM 2011, Ma.-No.: 2380007, control, make Siemens, 4 spindles, travel X/Y/Z 400 x 500 x 425 mm, max. speed 17,500 rpm, shuttle table, 2x 36-way tool changer, tool holder HSK 63, chip conveyor, make Knoll, type 800 K-1, YOM 2017, ma. no. 1320084, cooling system, make Knoll, type FKA/1200, YOM 2011, ma. no. 477412
- SW BA 600-2, YOM 2009, Ma.-No.: 166.0833, control, make Siemens, type Sinumerik 840 C, travel X/Y/Z 600 x 550 x 360 mm, 2x spindle, spindle distance 600 mm, speed max. 5,000 rpm, 2x 40-way tool changer, NC swivel table, operating hours approx. 91,457 h, chip conveyor, make Knoll, type 600 K-1, YOM 2009, Ma.-No.: 407856, central cooling system with both pre-machines (471 + 472)
- 1 CNC Horizontal Machining Center
HECKERT CWK WMW 630, YOM 2015, Ma.-No.: 12211, control, make Siemens, type Sinumerik 840 D, travel X/Y/Z 650 x 650 x 650 mm, tool holder HSK-A 63, speed max. 15,000 rpm, 60 tool positions, chip conveyor, YOM 2012, Ma.-No.: 513391, cooling system, make Knoll, type PF 210/1350, YOM 2014, Ma.-No.: 611886 - 1 Production Line, with Drive Technology, Protective Housing
SYMACON, YOM 2015, approx. 75,000 mm total length, U-shaped, control, make Siemens, conveyor system, make Rexroth, connection to 3 machine pairs BAZ+multi-spindle lathe with 1 robot cell each - 1 4-Axis Machining Center
SW BA 600-4, YOM 2005, Ma.-No.: 171.0009, control, make Siemens, type Sinumerik 840 D, 4 horizontal spindles, travel X/Y/Z 600 x 550 x 360 mm, 2x spindle, spindle distance 600 mm, speed max. 5,000 rpm, 2x 30-way tool changer, NC swivel table, magnetic belt chip conveyor, make Knoll, type 500 M/900, YOM 2005, Ma.-No.: 252967, cooling system, make Knoll, type KTS 32/76-T, YOM 2017, Ma.-No.: 12?2036 - 1 Laser Engraving Device
TRUMPF TruMarkStation 5000, control, make Siemens, workpiece dimensions max. 680 x 500 x 700 mm, travel paths X/Y/Z 500 x 300 x 300 mm, PC - 1 Assembly/Test System
SCHLOTE 282020A, YOM 2020, Ma.-No.: 20-8855, Control, make Siemens, measuring/sorting technology, acceptance station, 6-axis robot, make ABB, type IRB 2600-XXXXX, Ma.-No.: 2600-104207, 6-axis robot, make ABB, type IRB 12-XXX, Ma.-No. 12-803391
Schlote GmbH & Co.KG
D–31177 Harsum
1st Quarter, 2025
Online Auction
approx. 190 lots
Links & Information
- Lots close upon bid acceptance
- Subject to prior sale
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Felix von der Goltz
T +49 (0)40 - 469 666-70
F +49 (0)40 - 469 666-80
M +49 (0)172 - 425 19 35